The EBuilder Editor interface is split between two main panels:
On the left is the Editor, which displays the email layout itself where desired elements are added as the template/email is built.
On the right is the Sidebar, where you’ll find draggable content types and customization options.
The Content tab has its own subset of customization options that appear when clicked.
Image: This allows you to select an image from your Image Library for use in your template/Email. On an Image block, click the “Browse” button to open the Image Selector interface. By default, the home icon
will be selected, indicating that you're browsing your club's local Image Library. You can also select the globe icon
to browse images from the MembersFirst global Image Library. You can also view it in list view or gallery view. Gallery view allows you a better preview of the images as you browse for selection.
- You can also use the search field to find images by image name. To view alphabetically, click the arrows at the top right.
Text: This can be used to create areas of text within your template/Email. It’s particularly useful if you’re looking for a text block that allows you to customize at a smaller level, right within the same phrase, sentence, or grouping of words. After typing your text, you'll see options provided in the text editor.
- Clicking Content Hyperlinker from the text editor will open the Content Hyperlinker tool. This can be used to search for content for your highlighted text to be linked to.
- More options are accessible in the right panel under Content Properties when a Text Block is selected.
Button: This allows you to insert buttons into your template that will direct the recipient to a copied & pasted URL or piece of website content using the Content Hyperlinker.
- Just as with the Text Block Content Properties, the Button presents similar options where you can edit the font, letter spacing, button color, border radius (rounds the corners of the button), and much more.
- There are also Block Options where you can edit the padding/space around the button.
- Title: This can be used to organize your design with headings, using the H1, H2, and H3 tags. After dragging and dropping the Title option, in the right panel under Content Properties, you can select which Title (H1, H2, or H3) you want to use. There are also options to edit the text, font, font size, text color, and much more.
- You can also link content using the Content Hyperlinker option after highlighting the text you want to link, clicking Content Hyperlinker, and selecting from the drop-down what content from your Microsite you want to link!
- Paragraph: This is similar to the Text block, but offers quick and consistent styling of a group of text all in one area. All text in this block is edited together (i.e. font size, font style, color, alignment, spacing, etc.). This allows you to quickly change the overall style choices of your template/Email. It also allows you to link content using the Content Hyperlinker.
- List: This content allows you to present information in a list form, while still providing editing options like changing the font size, font style, text alignment, spacing, etc. It can be either a numbered or bulleted list.
- Divider: This is the first of two content types called 'natural breaks'. It allows you to place a line between pieces of content. They can be customized to be solid, dashed, or dotted, as well as height, weight and color.
- Spacer: This block only adds space between pieces of content. However, you can control the height (amount) of space after adding it your template/Email.
- Video: This block allows you to attach a video into your Template/Email. Drag and drop it where you want it to be, then click on it. On the right, you can paste the URL (webpage/website link) and it will automatically generate a preview image with a play button on top. You will also have the ability to customize the play button, if you choose to do so.
- Social: This option is not used frequently, however, it allows you to all image links to social media accounts. By default, this includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Use the options on the right side to change images and links, as well as adding your own custom image links from your Image Library. Typically, this can be found most in the footer of templates/Emails.
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