There are several reasons you are not receiving emails from the Community Association. Here are the three most common:
Could it be because your email service is sending the email to the spam or junk folder?
All Sun City email comes from the same email address so if one is blocked or refused then all email from Sun City will be refused. Our email is likely in the resident’s junk/spam/trash/deleted folders. If found, moving one back to the user's Inbox often resolves this issue. Another way to resolve this issue is to add the Sun City email to your contact/address book. That email address is: or
Search your inbox for both of those email adrdresses to find missing email that may have been sorted to another folder.
If this doesn't resolve the issue, please contact your Email service provider to see if the email system attempted to "help" by adding potential blocks/rules they've put in place as a security measure.
Could it be because you've Opted Out?
When a resident clicks the My Preferences from the Resident Home page and then unchecks boxes under Preferences the resident will no longer receive those emails. Residents can opt back into receiving those emails on the my preferences page. You can learn more about changing your email preferences here.
Could it be because you have been placed on the "Permanent Undeliverable List"?
If you have checked both things above, it could be that the system has stopped trying to send you mail. This occurs when a resident’s email application or server refuses five emails from Sun City (Communicator, Lifestyles, Activities, Golf, Fitness, Clubs and NHs). If emails are not in your junk or spam folder, you can contact the IT Department to see if your email is on this list.
Note about email addresses:
If you have a email address, we recommend that you instead use an email address provided by Google, Yahoo, or another email service. This will better ensure you receive emails sent out by the Community Association and its groups. You can also check out this article...
The CA is not responsible for email not received due to settings on personal devices or software or due to issues with third party email services or applications. If the email address is not listed in the permanent undeliverable list mentioned above, it is the responsibility of the resident to ensure their email service, software, and/or device is properly configured.
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